Understanding Fundamental Analysis

Ever since coronavirus been sensationalized by mainstream media it stirred up panic and chaos in average people who bought up all the hand sanitizer and toilet paper in retail. This combined with the massive selloff in the market left retail investors in a panic to sell. As most people are trying to run for cover I see opportunity on the horizon.

Most people are in fear as blood is on the streets and as shown above this may be a panic cycle. On the fear and greed index we haven’t reached the extreme fear and we maybe on our way. When finally there at extreme fear, most people won’t even touch the market while the very few will see the opportunity.

Average people will blame coronavirus for such crash, but is it really? Last September, the Federal Reserve started cutting rates by quarters and was expecting to be at zero by the end of election time. This indicated clear signs of economic slowdown. I personally am glad the market crashed as it is a new opportunity on the rise.

To take advantage of fundamental analysis, one needs to step back and look at the market from a objective point of view. Panic will cause one to make horrible decisions. The lesson being taught is to stop thinking like the herd and be one step ahead. When most people see negative news there action will do what they perceive to the right move with the majority. When i see negative news I look for what the reason is behind it and look for the opportunity opposite to what average person would do or think. Once you’ve mastered this psychology you will be able to determine which thought processes are by retail investors or by market makers. Goal is think like market makers.

What the coronavirus and negative interest rates have in common.

As we all know coronavirus has made it to America and it is no surprise mainstream news media is sensationalizing it. Coronavirus is shown as a plague on mainstream news media while many people believe it is another ruse of the elites. The ladder may be true, but we cannot ignore what the elites have planned especially when news is floating about FEMA preparing for possible coronavirus emergency. If this is the case martial law may be instated. QAnon has alluded in the past that possible quarantine and martial law is to be expected sometime in March and it is in line with the coronavirus peaking or on its way to peaking around that time. If this is true all our lives will be affected.

Meanwhile, today the Federal Reserve cut rates as an emergency response to coronavirus decimating the stock market yet again. Surprisingly, rates being cut by 50 basis points to 1% had no affect on the stock market so Trump demanded even further rate cuts; having in mind the average persons retirement fund. With this crash many people’s retirement funds had lost 10%-60%. Simply put, average people are being robbed yet again through their retirement funds by central bankers. This isn’t the first time because central bankers including Trump are robbing you when they cut rates. Cutting rates weakens the dollars as more liquidity is created to ease the possibility of a currency crisis and economic collapse. As we know coronavirus has stopped manufacturing and hurt supply chains across the world and we are all about to feel the effects of it. All this means is that we are on our way to negative interest rates.

Negative interest rates means the currency is worthless because much has been printed so its value plummets. Almost all countries around the world have their currency pegged to the dollar so if the dollar dies so does every other currency. When this happens Martial Law is probable because the amount of protests would make everyday life very dangerous.

Thus, today’s rate cut should be just as alarming as the coronavirus because they both result in Martial Law. Before coronavirus was a topic, the currency crisis was a topic dicussed amongst those who understood economics. We just never knew when it would happen; whether it was before the election or after the election. With these events lined up it is clear now the currency crisis will happen before the election and in order to keep order in society martial law has to be enforced. Coronavirus is just the catalyst and nothing more for the economic collapse.

The takeaway lessons are that any retirement plan you have should be controlled by solely you and no one else. So any money you have left would be best taken out and hedged in safe assets such as precious metals; gold and silver. Preparation like stocking up on months of food should be another priority in the case martial law is enacted and we are stuck in our homes.

Now there is one question left that is unanswered; if we have a currency crisis, what will take place as the world reserve currency? In my opinion, cryptocurrency will become the currency of daily use. And more importantly XRP Ripple will become the world reserve currency since they already have partnerships with numerous banks all across the world.

How do we get access to cryptocurrencies and start using it ourselves?Using cryptocurrency today is a lot easier then before. One can start buying cryptocurrency on an app called Coinbase where it acts as a bank and an exchange. Load up your worthless dollars into the application and exchange it for the currency of tomorrow. It would be cheaper to load up your money onto CoinbasePro as the fees are a few cents for each exchange.Here is a referral link where you can earn an extra $10 in bitcoin for signing up with my link. I hope this information helps you out in the coming months. Click here to join Coinbase and access your first tokens.